Public transport terminal Utrecht

Public transport terminal Utrecht

OVT is the main railway station in the city of Utrecht. The station is the main hub of the railway network in the Netherlands. Utrecht is the busiest railway station in the Netherlands which was designed by Benthem Crouwel Architects and Movares.

Since about 2000, plans were implemented to expand the station to future proof the OV-terminal. The College of Utrecht has agreed the final design for the new “OV-Terminal”. The £85 million refurbishment compliments the central Station, that handles trains, Sneltram (Fast tram) and buses all within one building. The existing station processed approximately 65 million passengers a year. But the number of travellers is expected to grow to approximately 100 million a year between 2025-2030.


Public transport terminal Utrecht

Benthem Crouwel Architecten


Copyright foto:
Irvin van Hemert

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